"Truth fears no questions." Anonymous

Welcome to Spiritual Enlightenment

At some point during my adult years, I looked back on my life and realized I was a fraud. My physical world was drastically out of alignment with my spiritual one. It was similar to cooking an elaborate meal while starving, but not being able to consume it. I grew up in a very strict Christian setting dominated by Southern Baptist doctrines. Church every Sunday, choir, usher board, trustee board, Sunday school, morning service, evening service... the environment was filled with bible-toting scripture-quoting tongue-speaking hallelujah shouting folks! Fortunately, I was exposed to many people of integrity and positive influences that instilled in me priceless values. My parents emphasized education until it was drilled into my psyche. On the flip side, I was fed a lot of half-truths, partial truths, and altered truths by so-called well-meaning people. Ignorance, closed-mindedness, pride, & arrogance are likely some of the causative factors. Therefore, I impersonated what a Christian should look and act like based on deficient information. There was no valid connection between the worldly me and my higher self. I impersonated what a Christian should look and act like, but I had no real relationship with my Creator. I prayed to a God I was told to pray to quoting the prayers I was taught to quote. Like a soldier taking orders from his commanding officer: You do as you are told and trained to do whether you are feeling it or not!

Out of Nowhere

I am not sure what event triggered my self-realization, yet it was life-transforming. The process is nowhere near complete rendering an ongoing journey. A crucial part of my being that was sleep woke up and jolted me to the core. Sadly, many people live their whole lives and depart without recognizing that crucial element. My recognition of that element catapulted my mind to a higher wave length. There was a burst of clarity illuminating my understanding of almost everything.

One major area of enlightenment is human sensuality--the mother of physical intimacy. The religious forums that dominate the media treat it like it is nonexistent (unless a scandal hits the news) or something to shun from discussion. In contrast, sensuality should be celebrated and promoted within a God-ordained context. Consequently, inner eyes open, new ideas blossom, paradigms shift, and higher consciousness ensues.

Spiritual enlightenment brings about intelligence and inner peace. It is not about being a Biblical scholar or expert on religious topics because I am neither--far from it! I started this blog not just to disperse information, but to gain knowledge and expand my horizons. It is truly about making a connection with God who leads us to connecting with deeper aspects of ourselves. Those deeper aspects make up the true self...not our careers, bank accounts, personal possessions, or physical bodies.

Our Eclectic Universe

The physical universe is evidence that the Creator loves diversity. A child of the universe, planet Earth, clearly follows suit with its potpourri of life forms. Within the same life form is remarkable variation ( different species of fish, plants, human racial groups, etc). Does it not stand to reason diversity is expressed on every level of existence/consciousness? It does not matter if you are Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, etc. because you are a different expression of the same universe. Different cloths of fabric are required to construct the quilt. I discovered that all religions contribute knowledge and perspectives that are necessary to complete life's masterpiece. It seems as if everyone has a piece to the puzzle of the universe that may never be fully explained on this realm.

The paths we choose to take to self-realization are possible through the gift from God called free will. I have discovered there are far more similarities than differences between the major philosophies that lend more support of each other than contradiction. Besides, I dare to count the numerous contradictions that exist just within the Christian faith. Historical and present events demonstrate other religions are plagued with the same multiple interpretations/variations. At one time, the news was flooded with horror stories of conflicts between the Sunni and Shiite Muslims...there is only one Quran is there not??? No one, no science, no religion has escaped the divisiveness of multiple perspectives. Conflicting interpretations give birth to confusion, disbelief, and disillusionment.

One will be greatly distracted if not focused on their own inner voice. It's the God inside of you and me. Ultimately, that is the key: Hearing your own inner voice because once that occurs everything else falls into place.

Enlightenment (Documentary)

Is The Peace After The Storm Simply the Calm Before the Next?

I won't waste anytime answering the question presented which is unequivocally YES. 

Life on this earthly plateau was designed to throw a nonstop barrage of problems and hurdles at human beings to overcome. Life is literally one storm after the next with periods of calm in-between. The scenario is further impacted by karma shifting events to match your energy. It is part of the spiritual journey and the agreements made prior to arriving on this planet. We all existed before arriving on earth and will exist after leaving it. The purpose is to learn the lessons that all the problems and hardships present. As a result, we evolve, become mentally stronger, and mature spiritually progressing to the next level of reality...ultimately, becoming one with God, the Creator, the Universe, The Highest Self, the Almighty, the Lord of Lords, the Supreme Being...however you perceive the highest. It may sound cruel, but life on this planet was not meant to be a picnic in the park on a perfect summer day! 

Although it is not pleasant to go through hardships, in the scheme of things it is meant for good if the outcome is our advancement.

Conflicts will occur. It is how we respond that counts. Stress management is crucial.

Life is like the most beautiful and aromatic rose with a whole bunch of thorns!

Our lives have different purposes because we have different lessons to learn.

There will never be the perfect person or perfect situation. We never get the whole package while we are here. Deficiencies and flaws will always be a part of  life.

The most we can do is keep our vibrations as high as possible by being grateful for life, the good and the bad. Its not the bad event we are grateful for, but the wisdom and strength that is gained. The final product is a better you!

Trials and tribulations should be approached as opportunities for growth. Use them as stepping stones to move forward.

The calm in-between the storms is the time to reflect, recharge, rejuvenate, and regenerate! Enjoy it and use the time wisely.

 Everyone is at a different point in their evolutionary path. Yes, it gets hard and everyone is fighting battles. Our life journeys or situations are different due to the lessons we must personally learn. Once the lessons are learned, the destination is the same for everyone. Going through storms inevitably is part of the process. The good thing is that the higher you evolve the less tumultuous it will get. The higher you go the closer you come to God. The key is overcoming the hurdles while having this human experience. Don't give up may sound cliche, but that is the only way to victory. Grab that bull by the horns and win!

The Money-Spirit Connection

"It's a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money."
Albert A. Camus

Money is a man-made instrument of trade for goods and services. It is paper referred to as bank notes and metals in the form of coins with assigned values. The value determines the quality and quantity of goods and services we acquire. The Free Dictionary.com By Farlex gives an in-depth definition of money. We no longer live in a agricultural society where people grow their own food, sew their own clothes, and build their own houses. For the most part, we must purchase those commodities from businesses and contractors. Our grass roots survival on this planet depends on meeting basic needs-food, clothing, and shelter. Therefore, money is indeed a necessary instrument for physical survival.

Wouldn't it be nice if houses, cars, groceries, clothing, and toiletries were just issued to people? The manufacturers, growers, cultivators, transporters, etc., would be paid income to purchase solely what they desired beyond their basic needs. A dream world of fairy tales where everyone had everything they needed. In the real world, the resources required to meet one's basic needs are allocated via the exchange of money for goods and services. When one cannot acquire resources needed to survive, physical existence is endangered. When one is struggling to survive, they become ensnared in those circumstances...trapped in that reality. It is impossible to give attention to anything else.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

The distraction of survival pulls us away from higher thinking and our divine purposes.

Consistently worrying about how bills will be paid, how necessities will be acquired, and how basic needs will be met keeps the consciousness at a very low frequency. Who honestly cares about navigating higher dimensions when you are about to get evicted for not paying rent or mortgage? Who is concerned about the higher self when the stomach is growling from hunger and lack of nutrition? Who can go out and conquer the world when constantly fighting illness and disease? Lower needs must be met prior to fulfilling spiritual ones. We exist in the physical world to accomplish a specific goal that we agreed upon in the spirit world. Physical existence must be maintained long enough and at a standard high enough to accomplish goals and fulfill one's purpose. The brain, for example, is the physical shelter for consciousness, the soul, our thoughts, and reasoning. If the brain is not healthy and functional the mind cannot express itself appropriately. If the pineal gland is calcified from lack of proper nutrition one cannot access higher realms or interact with the higher self. Spiritual health is undeniably impacted by physical and mental health because we are holistic beings with interconnected parts. In order to maintain overall integrity, basic needs must be met and that requires money$$$. Our world is structured to acquire almost everything we need or want through the act of trade and that has been so since ancient days and will likely continue until the end of the world. The form of currency may change, but the role it plays will remain the same.

People who think it is Godly to be poor are out of touch with God.

There is a segment of the religious community that believes being poor is equivalent to being holy and is pleasing to God. They stereotype all wealthy people as bad and corrupt and poor people as being more righteous. Religious people will refer to the Biblical story of the poor man who died and went to heaven seeing the rich man who died and went to hell. In addition, the Bible verse Mark 10:25 states, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." Translation: The eye of a needle during Biblical times was a small gate in the wall surrounding a city. The camels were able to pass through it with difficulty, but it was not impossible. In like manner, it is easier for a rich person to become prideful about their material wealth. There is the tendency for the financially prosperous person to uplift and glorify materialism as opposed to glorifying the Creator. Nevertheless, it is not impossible to be both spiritually and materially prosperous. It all boils down to our value systems and how we prioritize things in life. The Supreme One that manifested creation intended for everyone to have all they needed to thrive and accomplish their life missions. It is the corruption and greed of mankind that has distorted the divine plan for humanity.

Money is not the root of all evil, but the greed for it is.

Money is a necessary tool for survival on this physical realm and promotes quality of life. There is absolutely nothing evil about money within itself. The value we place on possessing it and the means we use to acquire it define the energy associated with it. The value and importance placed on having money dictate how we act and treat each other in financial situations. If one views money as more important than the non-material components of life, love, human character, decency, etc., money becomes their God and no amount will ever be enough. The monster of greed will raise its ugly head and facilitate actions that have no regard for the well-being or safety of others. One must remember that money is just a means to maintain a quality life in the physical world. It is of no use in the scheme of eternity and cannot benefit anyone beyond this plateau.

Money is a tool that can be used to help people and solve global problems.

The more money you have, the better position you are in to aid those in need, address major issues, and solve mankind's problems. Financial wealth provides an avenue for good and noble deeds on a wide scale. The blessing of financial prosperity without its application to the advancement of the human race is a disgrace! Also, a sense of entitlement without expression of gratitude will surely bring about bad karma. It is not a crime to enjoy material possessions and a luxurious lifestyle. However, if one's primary concern is competing with someone else for bragging rights in their social circles for who has the biggest yacht, the biggest diamonds, and the most nuggets of gold, he or she is going down the wrong path. It has been said that to whom much is given much is required. Having blind eyes to the massive suffering that exists in the world today is a shameful byproduct of man's inhumanity to man. It is said that we should be our brother's keeper and the Universal Law of Oneness speaks for itself.

As we travel through our life journeys, we will encounter both facilitators and obstacles. Money can be either one...it is up to the individual on how they engage the financial aspects of their life. The Creator has given mankind dominion over money, its creation, acquisition, distribution, etc. Therefore, it is our responsibility to maximize the benefits and use the Universal Laws to our advantage. Ultimately, the advancement of the human race will occur within every realm---physical, mental, and spiritual.

What is your opinion/view on the relationship between money and spirituality?
Do you believe all financial issues can be traced to a spiritual source? If yes, how?
Have you ever resolved a money problem with one or more spiritual practices? If so, what did you do specifically?

Urgent Message from Mother Nature to Humans

Hello my children. I am Mother Nature, the planet you live on. I am the only planet, as far as we know, that you are able to physically exist. I was created in perfect balance and harmony for millions of life forms to live and thrive. You humans, the Homo Sapiens, being the most intellectually advanced species, were mandated to protect and preserve me by our Creator...at one time that was true. However, as time passed, you became greedy, arrogant, and selfish. The circle of life, our ecosystem that sustains us all, has now been severely corrupted and shifted out of equilibrium. You humans, have caused this travesty and now we all are suffering and there is much more to come.

Your reckless practices have poisoned my air and waterways with industrial toxins. As a result, many life forms have died or have been sickened and mutated into something I don't even recognize. Your man-made poisons have literally eaten holes in my protective shroud or ozone allowing harmful cosmic radiation to seep through wreaking havoc on all forms of life. Some of you, who call yourselves scientists, have the audacity to tinker with my magnetic field. You know there would be unthinkable disasters if it was destroyed, yet you keep playing with weapons as if they were toys.

Your insatiable appetite for faster and faster has caused the release of deadly radiation into my atmosphere corrupting our genes, causing disease, illness, and death. Your greed and lust for material things have lead you to dig up a disproportionate amount of my precious soil and trees with your bulldozers erecting structures that are not even necessary. Consequently, shifting the foundation of earth out of balance while disrupting and destroying animal and plant life. Let's not forget how you hunt and murder animals for the sheer pleasure and consume flesh that was not meant to be consumed. If that wasn't enough, you have taken my seeds and mutated them in your labs into artificial foods and organisms that are void of real substance aka clones and GMO's...gross abominations!

How long did you think all of that would continue before retribution caught up with you? The Universal Law of Cause and Effect or Karma applies to everyone and everything and there is no escaping it. Therefore, my children, I am giving you a warning to stop ravishing our resources, destroying life to the point of extinction, and corrupting our ecosystem with your arrogant disregard for all the Creator has given us. Remember, the planet can continue without you, but you cannot continue without it. The Universal Law of Oneness says that everything is connected. If you do not take heed to my warning, you will bring about your own demise...no one to blame but yourselves.
"There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice."
John Calvin
We are manifestations of the Creator and the world is in our hands.
Treat her kindly and she will treat us the same.
Treat her badly and she will treat us the same.

What is your perspective on the fate of the human race on this planet? Do you think any of the damage to the planet can be significantly reversed or just halted from proceeding any further? Do you feel the current sociopolitical climate would support such a grandiose effort and how would it impact our daily lives?

Harvest of the Soul

When a seed is planted in the soil of the earth, it eventually grows into a plant, flower, tree, etc., ultimately transformed into a form of vegetation. Life on this planet cannot exists without it. Although the seed is tiny, it holds an enormous amount of energy inside. However, if it is not planted in the soil, it has no foundation to grow. In like manner, if it does not receive sunshine and rain, it has no catalyst to transform the energy from seed to lush garden. As above, so below; As within, so with out. Every thought, emotion, word spoken, and action taken are seeds that carry enormous energy from within our souls. Those cosmic seeds are planted in the spiritual soil (the foundation of everything). Through the universal law of cause and effect (aka karma), the seeds manifest in our physical lives. It is human consciousness directed toward those planted seeds that provide the sunshine and rain hastening the process. The cosmic transformation of spiritual energy becomes our circumstances and multitude of experiences that define our lives on this planet.

  Every situation is a harvest that we reap from the seeds we have sown.

The ultimate goal is to learn the lessons each situation offers to move us to the next level, the higher plateau, or the higher self. As we learn the various lessons and gain universal wisdom, the seeds we sow will naturally gravitate toward positive energy resulting in a more positive outcome. The climate of the soul or what most people refer to as the state of mind is the key to manifestation and the harvest. What mainstream religion calls "heaven" or "paradise" is simply a state of mind that transforms one's world. Our state of mind determines the seeds we sow. Therefore, if we have a state of mind operating within a higher dimension, the seeds we sow will be in alignment with that realm and our physical world will automatically restructure itself to accommodate that energy.

Sounds simple enough now doesn't it?

Yes, it is simple in theory, but just as our lives play out, there are obstacles and problems that will surely present themselves. Every problem or undesirable situation should be approached as an opportunity for growth and gaining wisdom. Unfortunately, they have the potential to pull us further from the light most of us seek at the positive end of the cosmic spectrum. The other direction on the spectrum inevitably leads toward negative energy and it exists on a plane of lower vibrations. Yet, our universe could not exists, as we know it, without it.
The law of polarity says that everything in the universe has an opposite version of itself and the energy can be compared to the positive and negative poles of a battery. Negativity is an essential part of the Yin/Yang balance that provides the conditions required for everything to operate within harmony. It is the very thing most people strive to move away from as it distracts and influences us on a continual basis. To add insult to injury, we are frequently drawn toward negativity because it is often packaged in a way that makes it appealing or attractive. However, lowering your vibrations, no matter how attractive it seems, will destroy your harvest and place you further from the light. Bad appearing as good is a common theme in sacred teachings, including the story of Adam and Eve biting the forbidden apple in the Garden of Eden. Whether you believe the story is true or not, it is the underlying message it conveys that makes it relevant. It is crucial to gain discernment in order to identify negative situations that present as the opposite or what is referred to as deception.

Almost every religion and philosophy from ancient times to the present support the universal law of cause and effect...you get back what you put out. As we grow and mature spiritually along our perspective journeys, it should become easier to sow the seeds that yield the harvests we desire.

Do you believe karma is the primary force shaping our life experiences? If not, what other factor(s) do you feel impact what happens to us individually and collectively?

Truth Versus Belief

Truth and Belief 
Not the Same Thing  
Truth is universal. Beliefs emerge from human culture. Truth has a spiritual or supernatural source, whereas, belief has a physical or natural source. Beliefs may have elements of truth, but the source is man-made. Both truth and belief can be rejected.

There are a massive number of people who do not know the difference between truth and belief. They have been systematically programmed and find it difficult, if not impossible to separate the two. The lines have been blurred and information misinterpreted. Beliefs have twisted the symbolism of ancient wisdom to the literal interpretation of things, people, and places. Religious beliefs focus more on the allegories than the messages they are meant to convey. As a result, distorted and false explanations of human existence are promoted and everybody thinks their version is correct leading to conflict and indifference.

The truth, as opposed to belief, does not require the support of human consciousness in order to manifest. The truth is pure consciousness and the reality that emerges from it. Belief systems, such as religion, are fundamentally man-made attempts to explain reality. They are created to explain phenomenon when the truth is not accessible or hidden (occult). Truth lies within objectivity...there is no distortion by human perception. It infinitely is what it is regardless of any support of the human thought process or viewpoint...it stands on its own. On the other hand, beliefs cannot exist without human interest and subjectivity being fed by mental energy. Yes, it may be true that if one believes something fervently enough (faith), it can manifest (become truth). However, it still must operate within the parameters of the truth and it's universal laws. The truth ultimately provides the conditions necessary for the belief to manifest.

Truth is based on facts supported by mathematics and empirical or scientific data, such as quantum physics. Belief is solely based on faith.
The truth empowers and promotes growth. Belief weakens and promotes stagnation.
Truth promotes independence. Belief promotes dependence.
Truth provides freedom. Belief imprisons.
Truth unites. Belief separates.
Truth never changes and is eternal. Belief is changeable based on temporary circumstances.

Terms that describe individuals who have discarded their beliefs and embraced truth include terms such as, ascended, awakened, enlightened, and illuminated.

There are 14 universal laws that govern truth and define how our world operates. Once we understand and apply them, the quality of our lives will improve.

Embracing truth is not an easy process, particularly when the mind has been reprogrammed to discard various belief systems. The discarding of belief systems or becoming awakened is an upgrade which requires growth. The initial stages of awakening can be unpleasant due to the growth process and the growing pains that accompany it. However, the destination is indeed worth the journey!
There is your truth
There is my truth, then,
There is THE truth

It has been a common school of thought that the various belief systems (religion) were created to explain the truth. However, there is historical evidence that suggests certain belief systems were created to actually hide or alter the truth. What examples do you know of that support religion being used to hide or alter the truth and for what reason(s)?

The Ultimate Reality Check

A new and extraordinary perspective of our universe and human existence is emerging due to leaping advances in scientific research. Quantum Mechanics, in particular, is knocking down the walls that separates science from spirituality and uprooting long-standing traditional belief systems. 

Tearing Down Tradition

Getting Down To The Truth

Both traditional science and religion offer explanations that support their respective interests. The theory of evolution suggests that the human race originated from apes and monkeys or a common ancestor that we share with them. The Big Boom supposedly gave rise to a massive explosion that yielded the planet and its multi-faceted and organized systems of life. Creationism is the religious belief that everybody and everything came into existence from divine or supernatural intervention. Humans were always humans from the beginning of their existence as opposed to pre-evolved creatures. Traditional fields of studies and belief systems have been widely accepted by the mainstream population for centuries and promoted by those in power. Nevertheless, the spiritual teachings of the eastern world seem to have a better grasp of the true nature of our universe...Most of the principles of eastern spiritualism can be applied to everybody and everything not just a particular school of thought. Fortunately, the rest of us are starting to wake up and are rapidly catching up. Major landmark discoveries are emerging that punch big holes in the life boat of traditional science and religion. As more and more people are awakening, they are jumping off the sinking boat and swimming in the waters of truth.

Does anybody know what is really going on?😒

Conventional schools of thought are being demolished by 3 major areas of discovery:

1.  Quantum research has proven that everything in our reality, physical and nonphysical, is waves of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Scientists have also discovered that the portion of the universe that we call matter, the part we can detect with our 5 senses, is less than than 5% of the existing universe. The basis of all matter are subatomic particles-atoms containing electrons, neutrons, and protons, but mostly empty space. Advanced scientific research in quantum physics has opened up a universe of subatomic behavior that scientists find baffling, yet fascinating. For example, the observer effect which dictate how a phenomenon will behave based on the expectations of the observer. Consequently, providing concrete evidence that mental energy or consciousness shapes our realities.
2.  The discovery of ancient spiritual and esoteric writings that predate sacred texts, such as the Holy Bible. According to the article 5 Holy Books That Predate The Bible, one of these include the Egyptian Book of the Dead first written around 3150 BC which state the 10 commandments almost verbatim as quoted in the Holy Bible. Another is The Epic of Gilgamesh that tell stories of a great flood and the serpent in the Garden of Eden being written in 2100 BC. The old testament of the Bible is believed to have been written much later between the 10th and 6th centuries BC.
3.  Anthropological findings of artifacts and the ruins of ancient cities that are billions of years older than the birth date of our planet and human life according to the teachings of creationism. The credibility of human evolution has been tarnished by the unearthing of human fossils with modern day features, just like us, but millions of years old from an era when we were purportedly pre-human Neanderthals. A significant number of the anthropological findings around the world are computer-like devices and machinery millions of years old that would be far above the cerebral abilities and the technology available to a primitive people.

Seek and Ye Shall Find

There is no question that we are living in exciting times as we are bombarded with mind-blowing scientific discoveries. Many of the them supporting spiritual teachings that were initially rejected by the scientific community...the existence of the human soul, life-after-death, and so on. As more and more concrete evidence of the true nature of our existence emerges, we must maintain an open mind toward new perspectives. In fact, questioning traditional beliefs is a sign of intelligence, innovation, and cognitive growth. We must realize the fact that tradition has been vastly impacted by both flawed techniques with good intentions and precise techniques with devious intentions. Either way, human beings have been mislead and the truth of our universe has been hidden from the masses...until now. Men and women of earth are awakening in record numbers, actively seeking truth, obliterating conventional thought patterns, and forging a road to true enlightenment.

Finding your own purpose in life places you in the direct path towards the Light.
The best way to find God is to, first, find yourself.