"Truth fears no questions." Anonymous

Welcome to Spiritual Enlightenment

At some point during my adult years, I looked back on my life and realized I was a fraud. My physical world was drastically out of alignment with my spiritual one. It was similar to cooking an elaborate meal while starving, but not being able to consume it. I grew up in a very strict Christian setting dominated by Southern Baptist doctrines. Church every Sunday, choir, usher board, trustee board, Sunday school, morning service, evening service... the environment was filled with bible-toting scripture-quoting tongue-speaking hallelujah shouting folks! Fortunately, I was exposed to many people of integrity and positive influences that instilled in me priceless values. My parents emphasized education until it was drilled into my psyche. On the flip side, I was fed a lot of half-truths, partial truths, and altered truths by so-called well-meaning people. Ignorance, closed-mindedness, pride, & arrogance are likely some of the causative factors. Therefore, I impersonated what a Christian should look and act like based on deficient information. There was no valid connection between the worldly me and my higher self. I impersonated what a Christian should look and act like, but I had no real relationship with my Creator. I prayed to a God I was told to pray to quoting the prayers I was taught to quote. Like a soldier taking orders from his commanding officer: You do as you are told and trained to do whether you are feeling it or not!

Out of Nowhere

I am not sure what event triggered my self-realization, yet it was life-transforming. The process is nowhere near complete rendering an ongoing journey. A crucial part of my being that was sleep woke up and jolted me to the core. Sadly, many people live their whole lives and depart without recognizing that crucial element. My recognition of that element catapulted my mind to a higher wave length. There was a burst of clarity illuminating my understanding of almost everything.

One major area of enlightenment is human sensuality--the mother of physical intimacy. The religious forums that dominate the media treat it like it is nonexistent (unless a scandal hits the news) or something to shun from discussion. In contrast, sensuality should be celebrated and promoted within a God-ordained context. Consequently, inner eyes open, new ideas blossom, paradigms shift, and higher consciousness ensues.

Spiritual enlightenment brings about intelligence and inner peace. It is not about being a Biblical scholar or expert on religious topics because I am neither--far from it! I started this blog not just to disperse information, but to gain knowledge and expand my horizons. It is truly about making a connection with God who leads us to connecting with deeper aspects of ourselves. Those deeper aspects make up the true self...not our careers, bank accounts, personal possessions, or physical bodies.

Our Eclectic Universe

The physical universe is evidence that the Creator loves diversity. A child of the universe, planet Earth, clearly follows suit with its potpourri of life forms. Within the same life form is remarkable variation ( different species of fish, plants, human racial groups, etc). Does it not stand to reason diversity is expressed on every level of existence/consciousness? It does not matter if you are Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, etc. because you are a different expression of the same universe. Different cloths of fabric are required to construct the quilt. I discovered that all religions contribute knowledge and perspectives that are necessary to complete life's masterpiece. It seems as if everyone has a piece to the puzzle of the universe that may never be fully explained on this realm.

The paths we choose to take to self-realization are possible through the gift from God called free will. I have discovered there are far more similarities than differences between the major philosophies that lend more support of each other than contradiction. Besides, I dare to count the numerous contradictions that exist just within the Christian faith. Historical and present events demonstrate other religions are plagued with the same multiple interpretations/variations. At one time, the news was flooded with horror stories of conflicts between the Sunni and Shiite Muslims...there is only one Quran is there not??? No one, no science, no religion has escaped the divisiveness of multiple perspectives. Conflicting interpretations give birth to confusion, disbelief, and disillusionment.

One will be greatly distracted if not focused on their own inner voice. It's the God inside of you and me. Ultimately, that is the key: Hearing your own inner voice because once that occurs everything else falls into place.

Enlightenment (Documentary)

Out of the Comfort Zone

Growth and maturity whether physical, mental, or spiritual rarely come from a comfortable snug position. It takes effort, exertion of energy, struggle, and pain, ultimately, movement away from comfort. When we are going through hardships, we are forced to search deeper for resources in finding solutions. Those resources might be characteristics within ourselves or external factors. We are challenged to come up with alternative ways to adapt and adjust to not so ideal circumstances. Life struggles help us gather new and more effective coping skills, become smarter, and more empowered. Our paradigms are shifted and expanded to a broader scale resulting in broader thinking and greater insight. After overcoming a hurdle, we gain new inner strength. What does not kill you really does make you stronger. Reflection on a difficult situation brings about life lessons, self-revelations, and wisdom. The impact of hardship on the human spirit can be compared to the transformation of a rock to a sparkling diamond!

Realistically speaking, most people do not set out to inflict painful situations on their lives no matter how productive the outcome. Have you heard of the saying, "No need to look for trouble because trouble will surely find you"? Hardships and struggles will inevitably occur in this life without any input or permission from us. No one's life on this earthly realm has ever been trouble-free no matter what their status. A popular life theory purportedly having scientific evidence explains that everything that happens to us emerges from our thoughts and emotions. That theory was made popular by the movie "The Secret" released in 2006. If such a universal law is true, do you think a trouble-free life is possible if people only emitted positive energy through thoughts and emotions? Do you think it is realistic or even possible for a person to live beyond infancy with a strictly positive mindset? Why or why not?

Soul Mates Created Not Born

When the average person is confronted with the question of "What is a soul mate?", most will respond with answers like someone who God created just for you, someone you are spiritually connected with, someone you are totally compatible with, someone who understands the real you, etc... It is expected that an individual would automatically fall in love with their soul mate for the obvious reasons. In other words, the love expressed is contingent on the person being perceived as a soul mate. My question is can people become soul mates after falling in love? The answer to my question is based on the assumption that people fall in love and stay together for other reasons. There may be other factors involved that one admires or holds high in priority that ignites the fire of love. The evidence can be found in statements like, "He is not exactly what I wanted for a mate, but he is a good man." The person making this statement is implying that love expressed is based on him being a good man as opposed to being "the one" God designed for her. 

I strongly disagree with "the one" theory. I believe there are numerous individuals in this world one can blend with harmoniously. After being in a relationship of that nature for an extended time, it stands to reason that spiritual connection and compatibility can evolve. It seems that two people can actually become soul mates if mutual love and respect is present. Where there is love, there is the desire to please and make happy. There is also the inevitable connection of hearts. Heart and soul are synonymous in the Bible and other religious writings. If you are in a relationship with someone you consider your soul mate, did you view them that way from the very beginning or did it evolve over time? Have you ever been in a relationship with a soul mate that ended? If yes, do you still feel the same connection although you both are no longer together or did the connection end when the relationship ended? If you presently do not have a mate/partner, do you think it is realistic to believe there is only one person out there for you? Why or why not? 

Healing Melodies of the Universe

Sound...It is something most of us take for granted with the exception of the hearing impaired. Nevertheless, it is one of the most utilized natural senses allowing us to interpret and experience our world. What exactly is sound? Simply explained, vibrations that travel through air, gas, water, etc., forming wave patterns called frequenciesFrequencies, in turn, are counted or measured by units called hertz (hz)Hertz are units accepted by a worldwide standard known as the International System of Units (SI) [see The Free Dictionary by Farlex at http://goo.gl/oPl8JX]. The human spectrum of audible sound is broad ranging between 20-20,000 hz! Check out this video to experience the range of your hearing capability: 

Most of the music we hear through mainstream media is 440 hz described as harsh and out of sync with the universal rhythm. Scientific research has discovered the energy that comprises our universe vibrates at distinct frequencies to include 432 hz and 528 hz. The numbers 432 and 528 occur mathematically in the very structure of the universe. It stands to reason that listening to music in those ranges might have therapeutic effects on the listeners. Researchers of the benefits of 432/528 hz have reported benefits, such as enhancement in DNA and cellular functions, alleviation of chronic illnesses and stress-related conditions, increased mental and spiritual clarity, enhanced chakra energy, and a softer, more gentle impact on the ear drums reducing the risk of hearing loss. Wow! Imagine getting all those benefits just from listening to music! The medical and pharmaceutical companies would go bankrupt! Put on some earphones and listen to the following 528 hz therapy:

Do you routinely listen to music at alternative frequencies? If yes, have you noted any positive changes in your mental or physical status? Do you think mainstream broadcasters of music would be open to the 432/528 hz transformation?