Happiness is an emotion we experience that gives us positive feelings about some aspect of our circumstances, such as giving birth to a child, career promotion, or winning a contest. If the circumstances associated with our happiness change, so will the emotions. Therefore, happiness is temporary, superficial, and connected with our physical existence. Happiness is a state of mind, the feeding of our egos, and the response of our souls to the outer world. When we are happy, we have a sense of peace and serenity about ourselves. However, the peace we experience from happiness is contingent on the lack of chaos or circumstances around us.
2. Show More Compassion: When we genuinely care about the welfare of other living things, we become more aware of what makes us the same or our oneness. Compassion increases our vibrations propelling us closer to our highest selves. The highest self embodies pure love; where ever there is love there is joy. At the same time, compassion makes people want to give more than to receive. The universe recognizes the generosity according to the Law of Cause and Effect or karma. Ultimately, the giver becomes the receiver and will experience even more joy.
3. Forgive and Let Go: Forgiveness is the letting go of the negative feelings associated with a past event. Pushing the release button on negativity frees the mind from a prison of darkness. Carrying the anger, humiliation, and pain associated with a negative experience extinguishes our joy like water puts out a fire. The lack of forgiveness keeps us in a low vibrational state (bad karma). Joy is a high vibrational state that is hindered by unforgiveness. Therefore, the more we forgive, the higher our vibrations...less pain and more joy.
5. Relax the Body & Mind: The more relaxed we are the more aware we are of our inner kingdom. We become more in-tune with the spiritual realm...energy vibrates faster and the pineal gland or third eye is activated. Our third eye is located in the brain and is similar to our physical eyes serving as a receiver of light from inner worlds. It is imperative to eliminate as many sources of stress from one's personal space as possible. Environments that are quiet and peaceful facilitate relaxation. Rituals that promote relaxation and third eye activation, such as meditation and numerous other practices can lead anyone to spiritual enlightenment and pure joy.
Happiness makes distinctions. Joy only perceives oneness.