"Truth fears no questions." Anonymous

Welcome to Spiritual Enlightenment

At some point during my adult years, I looked back on my life and realized I was a fraud. My physical world was drastically out of alignment with my spiritual one. It was similar to cooking an elaborate meal while starving, but not being able to consume it. I grew up in a very strict Christian setting dominated by Southern Baptist doctrines. Church every Sunday, choir, usher board, trustee board, Sunday school, morning service, evening service... the environment was filled with bible-toting scripture-quoting tongue-speaking hallelujah shouting folks! Fortunately, I was exposed to many people of integrity and positive influences that instilled in me priceless values. My parents emphasized education until it was drilled into my psyche. On the flip side, I was fed a lot of half-truths, partial truths, and altered truths by so-called well-meaning people. Ignorance, closed-mindedness, pride, & arrogance are likely some of the causative factors. Therefore, I impersonated what a Christian should look and act like based on deficient information. There was no valid connection between the worldly me and my higher self. I impersonated what a Christian should look and act like, but I had no real relationship with my Creator. I prayed to a God I was told to pray to quoting the prayers I was taught to quote. Like a soldier taking orders from his commanding officer: You do as you are told and trained to do whether you are feeling it or not!

Out of Nowhere

I am not sure what event triggered my self-realization, yet it was life-transforming. The process is nowhere near complete rendering an ongoing journey. A crucial part of my being that was sleep woke up and jolted me to the core. Sadly, many people live their whole lives and depart without recognizing that crucial element. My recognition of that element catapulted my mind to a higher wave length. There was a burst of clarity illuminating my understanding of almost everything.

One major area of enlightenment is human sensuality--the mother of physical intimacy. The religious forums that dominate the media treat it like it is nonexistent (unless a scandal hits the news) or something to shun from discussion. In contrast, sensuality should be celebrated and promoted within a God-ordained context. Consequently, inner eyes open, new ideas blossom, paradigms shift, and higher consciousness ensues.

Spiritual enlightenment brings about intelligence and inner peace. It is not about being a Biblical scholar or expert on religious topics because I am neither--far from it! I started this blog not just to disperse information, but to gain knowledge and expand my horizons. It is truly about making a connection with God who leads us to connecting with deeper aspects of ourselves. Those deeper aspects make up the true self...not our careers, bank accounts, personal possessions, or physical bodies.

Our Eclectic Universe

The physical universe is evidence that the Creator loves diversity. A child of the universe, planet Earth, clearly follows suit with its potpourri of life forms. Within the same life form is remarkable variation ( different species of fish, plants, human racial groups, etc). Does it not stand to reason diversity is expressed on every level of existence/consciousness? It does not matter if you are Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, etc. because you are a different expression of the same universe. Different cloths of fabric are required to construct the quilt. I discovered that all religions contribute knowledge and perspectives that are necessary to complete life's masterpiece. It seems as if everyone has a piece to the puzzle of the universe that may never be fully explained on this realm.

The paths we choose to take to self-realization are possible through the gift from God called free will. I have discovered there are far more similarities than differences between the major philosophies that lend more support of each other than contradiction. Besides, I dare to count the numerous contradictions that exist just within the Christian faith. Historical and present events demonstrate other religions are plagued with the same multiple interpretations/variations. At one time, the news was flooded with horror stories of conflicts between the Sunni and Shiite Muslims...there is only one Quran is there not??? No one, no science, no religion has escaped the divisiveness of multiple perspectives. Conflicting interpretations give birth to confusion, disbelief, and disillusionment.

One will be greatly distracted if not focused on their own inner voice. It's the God inside of you and me. Ultimately, that is the key: Hearing your own inner voice because once that occurs everything else falls into place.

Enlightenment (Documentary)

The Perfect Plan For Imperfection

Has anyone ever met or heard of a human being who was perfect in every way? It is extremely unlikely that such a human ever existed outside of fairy tales and fiction. The term human within itself implies imperfection as reflected in the saying, "I am only human." The nature of humanity is composed of deficiencies and flaws inherent to the species. Ancient spiritual teachings support the numerous fallacies of mankind against the backdrop of the perfect deities we worship. 

As long as we function within the lower vibrations of a physical existence, true perfection can never be achieved. Perfection is only acquired through states of higher vibrations which require a corresponding body. Our consciousness must surpass the level of the ego/mind and merge with the spirit. Every successful alchemist knows that communication with spirit is the key. The spirit self is the true self and embodies complete perfection. It is the all-knowing infinite aspect of every individual. The Creator and every deity within our universe resides in the spirit self.

While we are living in a physical world, it makes sense to strive for perfection. Achieving a divine existence should be the ultimate goal of everyone. All major goals encompass minor goals with smaller steps progressively leading to the desired outcome. 

Self enhancement provides the building blocks for perfection.

Steps to Self Enhancement

You must first recognize and acknowledge your faults, flaws, and shortcomings. A brutally honest self-evaluation must take place. Transformation cannot happen without identification. It may be awkward or painful, but highly beneficial to list everything that you perceive wrong about yourself physically and mentally. The source of every human deficiency is a damaged mind that creates our reality and unable to communicate with the spirit self. Remember that the spirit self holds the high vibration energy of the Creator. When you are unable to connect with higher self, your mind falls prey to lower energy sources and it is misguided. Once your thoughts are corrected, the lines of communication with higher self are opened. Body, mind, and spirit are all connected and impact each other. Changing yourself for the better should occur in every realm of your being.

Once you have established a list of imperfections, goals can be constructed. Categorize your imperfections into those you can realistically change and those you cannot. Those that are changeable, such as overeating, should have goals for complete eradication. The flaws labeled as unchangeable, for example your height, should have goals centered on changing your perception of them~no longer viewing things you cannot change in a negative manner. You can even use them to better yourself. Also, what is perceived as incapable of change may in fact be changeable; one might be unaware of the remedy due to lack of publicity or advertisement. For example, an herbal concoction only known to a remote tribe near the rain forests. In addition, what is unchangeable today may be modified in the future due to advances in research and technology. Always keep an open mind!

The next step is to do lots of research on strategies to remove the imperfection or change your perception of it. No matter what the issue whether overeating, using foul language, or having a short fuse, there are experts and individuals knowledgeable on the topic. Seek out advice and consultation directly through counseling, attending workshops and seminars or indirectly through books and the internet. Use all resources that are accessible to you. It is particularly effective to learn from people who have overcome the exact same obstacles. Gather as much information as you can on problem solving and correction methods. 

Develop a plan of action or strategy for each goal that that feels appropriate and workable for you. In some cases, your strategy will be identical to what has already been done. In other cases, it will be customized for you to accommodate your specific circumstances. Either way, document your strategies. They will serve as a guide when you get tired or distracted. Please note that you may experience some discomfort and unpleasant emotions while in transformation and that is expected. However, your plan of action should not cause an excessive amount of distress. Be prepared to revise your plan if not effective or too stressful. It defeats the purpose if the strategy causes more harm than good. Strategies ideally include how to stay on track and avoid setbacks once goals are met.

Prioritize your goals based on how much the shortcoming bothers you or disrupts your life. I recently talked to someone who suggested approaching each goal on a monthly timetable. In other words, address one goal per month at a time in order not to overwhelm yourself. Every month, initiate the strategy for the next goal while continuing the strategy of the previous one. It is a popular belief that repeating a behavior consistently for 21 days will become a habit based on the research of Dr. Maxwell Maltz. Whether the 21 day theory is true or false, a month of good behavior just might ensure the desired transformation. Keep a diary of your progress as well as setbacks. 

Your Setback Is Just A Setup 
Success is often disguised as a setback. If and when setbacks occur, please don't stress yourself out or give up. Simply identify exactly what caused it and restructure your goals and strategies if necessary. Jump back on your feet and get back on track! If you have to start from scratch no problem just do not stop.

Follow Your Vision
During the entire process, there must be continuous visualization of oneself minus the imperfections or with a broader more positive outlook...the perfect version of you! Our energy will always shift in the direction of our focus and intentions. If you are not pleased with yourself or the world, the change must start at the source-you. Executing a plan of action at a comfortable pace offers a practical approach. As we focus on the outcomes of our goals, we become master alchemists rendering optimal transformation and ascension.

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