"Truth fears no questions." Anonymous

Welcome to Spiritual Enlightenment

At some point during my adult years, I looked back on my life and realized I was a fraud. My physical world was drastically out of alignment with my spiritual one. It was similar to cooking an elaborate meal while starving, but not being able to consume it. I grew up in a very strict Christian setting dominated by Southern Baptist doctrines. Church every Sunday, choir, usher board, trustee board, Sunday school, morning service, evening service... the environment was filled with bible-toting scripture-quoting tongue-speaking hallelujah shouting folks! Fortunately, I was exposed to many people of integrity and positive influences that instilled in me priceless values. My parents emphasized education until it was drilled into my psyche. On the flip side, I was fed a lot of half-truths, partial truths, and altered truths by so-called well-meaning people. Ignorance, closed-mindedness, pride, & arrogance are likely some of the causative factors. Therefore, I impersonated what a Christian should look and act like based on deficient information. There was no valid connection between the worldly me and my higher self. I impersonated what a Christian should look and act like, but I had no real relationship with my Creator. I prayed to a God I was told to pray to quoting the prayers I was taught to quote. Like a soldier taking orders from his commanding officer: You do as you are told and trained to do whether you are feeling it or not!

Out of Nowhere

I am not sure what event triggered my self-realization, yet it was life-transforming. The process is nowhere near complete rendering an ongoing journey. A crucial part of my being that was sleep woke up and jolted me to the core. Sadly, many people live their whole lives and depart without recognizing that crucial element. My recognition of that element catapulted my mind to a higher wave length. There was a burst of clarity illuminating my understanding of almost everything.

One major area of enlightenment is human sensuality--the mother of physical intimacy. The religious forums that dominate the media treat it like it is nonexistent (unless a scandal hits the news) or something to shun from discussion. In contrast, sensuality should be celebrated and promoted within a God-ordained context. Consequently, inner eyes open, new ideas blossom, paradigms shift, and higher consciousness ensues.

Spiritual enlightenment brings about intelligence and inner peace. It is not about being a Biblical scholar or expert on religious topics because I am neither--far from it! I started this blog not just to disperse information, but to gain knowledge and expand my horizons. It is truly about making a connection with God who leads us to connecting with deeper aspects of ourselves. Those deeper aspects make up the true self...not our careers, bank accounts, personal possessions, or physical bodies.

Our Eclectic Universe

The physical universe is evidence that the Creator loves diversity. A child of the universe, planet Earth, clearly follows suit with its potpourri of life forms. Within the same life form is remarkable variation ( different species of fish, plants, human racial groups, etc). Does it not stand to reason diversity is expressed on every level of existence/consciousness? It does not matter if you are Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, etc. because you are a different expression of the same universe. Different cloths of fabric are required to construct the quilt. I discovered that all religions contribute knowledge and perspectives that are necessary to complete life's masterpiece. It seems as if everyone has a piece to the puzzle of the universe that may never be fully explained on this realm.

The paths we choose to take to self-realization are possible through the gift from God called free will. I have discovered there are far more similarities than differences between the major philosophies that lend more support of each other than contradiction. Besides, I dare to count the numerous contradictions that exist just within the Christian faith. Historical and present events demonstrate other religions are plagued with the same multiple interpretations/variations. At one time, the news was flooded with horror stories of conflicts between the Sunni and Shiite Muslims...there is only one Quran is there not??? No one, no science, no religion has escaped the divisiveness of multiple perspectives. Conflicting interpretations give birth to confusion, disbelief, and disillusionment.

One will be greatly distracted if not focused on their own inner voice. It's the God inside of you and me. Ultimately, that is the key: Hearing your own inner voice because once that occurs everything else falls into place.

Enlightenment (Documentary)

Synchronicity: Renee's Story

Question: What is synchronicity and what role does it play in the human experience? 

Answer: Synchronicity is a guide to help us navigate through life's journey. It is a tool to facilitate spiritual awakening. 

It is phenomenon that happens to everyone. It is often dismissed as "coincidence" or "chance" but is it really? The psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung officially labeled and described the phenomenon as Synchronicity. His explanation states synchronicity as "meaningful coincidences" according to Wikipedia. Events identified as "acausal parallelism" unrelated, and connected by meaning. The connections are created by the sequence or timing that occurs.

Renee's story is heart-warming, thought-provoking, and realistic. It reflects the positive side of synchronicity and how it can resolve personal issues. It would be prudent for everyone to thoroughly analyze episodes of synchronicity in their lives for the messages that they harbor.
Renee is a middle-aged woman who is married with 2 children and owns a catering business. She has no siblings and her father has been dead for many years. Renee's mother, Sandra, is elderly and suffering from severe dementia. Prior to her decline, she was very sociable with a large circle of friends. As her condition worsened, more and more people dropped out of the circle. Many of them simply did not want to deal with her mental deterioration and corresponding behavior. Fortunately, Sandra exhibits very little if any memory of her friends so it does not appear as if she misses them. On the other hand, their absence is viewed as abandonment to Renee making her feel sad and bitter. There is one particular friend, Natalie, who was very close to Sandra who no longer contacts her. Renee feels exceptionally betrayed by her. 

One day Renee and her husband Derrick decide to do some spring cleaning in their home. The newspaper is delivered everyday and mostly read by Derrick. However, he only is interested in one or two sections and most of it goes unread. He then tosses them leaving a huge pile of clutter. They proceed to gather them up in the trash receptacle for pickup. It is the couple's last chore after a long day of cleaning. At the moment Derrick starts to push the receptacle outside, he gets a phone call and pauses to accept it. The clock says 8:02 pm. Renee is sitting nearby feeling somewhat guilty that they are disposing of all those unread newspapers. She grabs one sitting at the top of the stack and begins to read it. It is dated 8 months and 2 weeks earlier. She flips through the various sections and scans the headlines. Suddenly, her eyes catch the image of a familiar face in the obituary section..."Oh my God, no way!" she utters out loud...it is her mother's friend Natalie.

All this time, Renee had been believing that Natalie abandoned her mother when she needed her the most. In actuality, she moved on to another world. Renee begins to put the pieces together that were missing all this time. Natalie's passing occurred a week before Sandra's birthday which coincided with the time period Natalie's communication stopped. 

Renee saves the obituary and visits the church where Natalie's funeral services took place (FYI, the building number of the church address is "802"). Natalie was a member of that church and left one of the officials in charge of her estate. After talking to him, she finds out that her death was sudden from a massive stroke. Renee informs the church official about Natalie's friendship with her mother and he inquires, "What is your mother's name?" When Renee tells him, his eyes light up with pure delight. "Wait right here. I want to give you something I believe belongs to your mother." He grabs a set of keys and leaves the room for 5 minutes. When he comes back, he is holding a beautiful jewel-toned gift-wrapped box. "This was among her belongings and the card attached reads, 'To My Bestie Sandra.' None of us knew who that person was...until now." Renee's heart expands as her eyes moisten with tears of joy and relief. She instinctively knows that this will be one the best birthday gifts her mother will ever receive.

Later that day, Renee gives Sandra the gift and tells her to open it. 
"It is from Natalie." she tells her. 
"Who is that?"
"Don't worry about it. Just open it." 
She opens it and pulls out the most stunningly beautiful sterling silver necklace with an exquisite locket engraved with "Besties.
"Look inside the locket mother."
Inside is a picture of Sandra and Natalie when the two were on a trip in Aruba almost a decade ago. 
"That looks like me, but I don't know who that other lady is."
"She is your best friend Natalie who is no longer with us physically, yet, certainly in spirit." 
Renee puts the necklace around her mother's neck and snaps the clasp. It has become Sandra's favorite piece of jewelry and she never takes it off. Renee believes that on a deeper level of Sandra's consciousness, in fact, she does remember her friend.

If Derrick had not received that phone call the moment he did, the newspaper would have been taken out and collected without Renee ever seeing it. A minute later receiving the phone call and the trash would have already been taken out. The phone call had nothing to do with the trash, but it was the timing that made the impact. Furthermore, if that particular newspaper had not been placed on the top of the stack she would not have read it. The slightest change in the order the newspapers were stacked could have prevented Renee from seeing Natalie's obituary. It was the perfect sequence of events that occurred against the odds.  

Sandra was 74 years old when she received her friend's final earthly gift. She continued to slowly decline from her condition and finally departed her earthly existence at the ripe old age of, you guessed it, 82 years.

Synchronicity pushes past the boundaries of science into the realm of the unknown. It has been described as~ 

The spirit world sending a message or warning 

Communication from one's higher consciousness

The universe directing our attention toward a particular matter 

God trying to tell us something


Synchronicity is expressed in multiple ways conveying different meanings, often involving numerology. The foundation of all creation is based on mathematics so it makes sense that the universe communicates using numbers. A person may see the same numerical expression in different settings. For example, paying $5.77 for breakfast in the morning, then, attending a business meeting in room 577, followed by visiting a website that says you are the 577th visitor. That should be enough to raise an eyebrow and get one's attention. Another person may wake-up in the wee hours of every morning at exactly 3:18 am for a period of time. Why specifically 3:18 am every morning and what is the significance of those numbers?
During certain occurrences, sequences do not involve numbers, but timed events, such as repetitions of something happening over and over again. There is clearly a lesson that needs learning. Timed events can involve thinking or dreaming about an individual and then coming in contact with him or her soon afterwards. The thought or dream is timed according to clairvoyance as a prelude to the physical encounter. Clairvoyance is a sensory perception of the third eye that does not operate within third-dimensional physics. Every event in the physical world originates in the spirit world. Hence, one's spiritual eyes seeing things prior to the physical eyes is the divine sequence. 

The higher we raise our consciousness, the more synchronizations we will experience.

All events must operate within the universal laws of attraction and cause and effect. We draw to us what corresponds to our level of consciousness. The energy of our thoughts, words, and actions (cause) dictates the events in our lives (effects). Please note that the works of neuroscientists, particularly Bruce Lipton, PhD, show that the majority of our consciousness actually lies in the subconscious realm-a staggering 95%!! Consequently, there is a plethora of mental energy we are not aware of, yet, it impacts our thoughts and behaviors. The sequence of events as well as their meanings are ultimately guided by our energy. Therefore, by all means, raise the frequency of your vibrations higher!!

When you detect episodes of synchronicity in your life, record them and keep a log. It will help you identify patterns and trends that contain information pertinent for you.

Synchronicity is an expression of the universe, you, me, and everything striving for perfect order and harmony.

Many people around the world are saying they are experiencing an increase in synchronicity in their lives. Have you noticed the same pattern? What types of synchronicity have you encountered recently? 

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